Robert Taylor is the latest addition to Jon Turteltaub’s giant-shark thriller Meg, Warner Bros’ upcoming adventure produced in conjunction with China-based banner Gravity. Taylor, the Aussie actor who stars in Netflix’s Western drama Longmire, will star alongside...
Chinese actress Fan Bingbing, who appeared in X-Men: Days of Future Past, has joined Jason Statham in Meg, the creature feature being made by Warner Bros. and Chinese company Gravity Pictures.At the same time, Warner Bros. has set a March 2, 2018, release date for the...
Everyone loves a killer shark movie, from serious thrillers like Jaws, to goofy (but financially successful) b-movies like the Sharknado series. One film that has been in development for a very long time is the adaptation of MEG: A Novel of Deep Terror by author Steve...
The Jon Turbeltaub-directed movie Meg has a big shark, and now it has a big star. Jason Statham is in negotiations to star in the adaptation of the novel of the same name that Warner Bros is moving forward with in conjunction with China-based Gravity. Lorenzo di...